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thermocouple - synapse


Thermocouples are used in many industrial, scientific, and OEM applications. They can be found in nearly all industrial markets: Power Generation, Oil/Gas, Pharmaceutical, BioTech, Cement, Paper & Pulp, etc. Thermocouples are also used in everyday appliances like stoves, furnaces, and toasters.

Thermocouples are typically selected because of their low cost, high temperature limits, wide temperature ranges, and durable nature.

ceramic tube thermocouple - synapse

Ceramic tube thermocouple

Ceramic Protection Tubes are used in applications where contamination from hostile environments or the cutting action of concentrated and direct flame impingement are factors. Such conditions usually require a noble metal thermocouple such as platinum and platinum alloys.

  • Sags at 2900°F (1593°C)
  • Prevents dry hydrogen penetration

Other Category

Thermostat - Synapse


Tubular Heater - Synapse




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